Terms and Conditions:

• The R0 release (R0_S1 to R0_S4) of the a9-dataset is offered free of cost for academic and non-commercial use under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. In case you are interested in using the data set for commercial purposes, please indicate to us accordingly during registration.
• The data set is provided "as is" without warranty and without liability.
• Though utmost care has been taken to ensure reasonable quality, we do not provide any assurances or guarantees - explicit or implicit - concerning the same.
• You agree to include a reference to the a9-dataset webpage and to the paper listed under the "Citation" section of this webpage in publications and presentations of your work which use the a9-dataset.
• You agree not to redistribute this data set or create any derivative versions for distribution unless explicitly permitted by us.
• The Technical University of Munich reserves all rights to the data set not explicitly granted herewith.